Name: Bajala Faible

Denizen: Persephone

Dreamer: Prospit

Title: Theif of BlazeLand: Land of Flames and Rainbows Appearance: She is tall and thin, with long wavy hair. She wears black and white face paint, a black hoodie with her symbol on it, and gray jeans.  Her indigo combat boots resemble clown shoes and her horns are shaped like two bass clefs. She wears silver bracelets and a gray belt.

Symbol: Bass Clef Blood Color: Indigo Power: psychic power to keep lower castes in check, called Chuckle Voodoo.   Lusus: Sealmom

Sealmom taught Bajala to hunt and fend for herself, since Sealmom is usually away at sea. However, she did teach Bajala how to juggle and balance things on her nose. Hive: A large mansion located near the sea, in a relatively cold climate

Strife Specibus: Jokerkind

Fetch Modus: Miracle Modus

Trolltag: tediousUcalegon

Typing Quirk: Replaces e with 3 and t with + and speaks in an informal manner when stable. When unstable, she speaks in perfect syntax with no discernable quirk.

Ancestor: The Patient’s Hand

The Grand Highblood was captured and treated like a mental patient by the sea-dwellers. The Patient’s Hand was another subjuggulator and his Moirail, so she was the only person that could calm him down on his rampages.

Any relations with others characters? No



Personality Assessment Questions!

1. Confronted with their greatest fear, how would your character react? What is their greatest fear?

Dude, I don’+ f3ar much. But if I did, I would +ry +o +alk i+ ou+ wi+h +h3m. Or pain+ my walls wi+h +h3ir blood. (o:C ‘

2. How does your character approach a stranger that looks about their age in the distance?


3. What’s the first thing that your character notices about other people?

How lovely their blood would look on my walls. (o:C

4. If your character could describe his or herself in three words, what would they be?

Bro, only THE MAN uses labels.

5. Why did your character pick up the hobbies that they did?

Th3 Mir+hful M3ssiahs +old m3 +o.