Name: Ursice Boreas

Appearance: A tad bulky, considering he constantly has a jacket on. This gray jacket is normally unzipped to show his symbol. Jeans and mountain climbing boots are also part of the daily wears. Not to mention the epic blue snow goggles. Ursice is a lithe troll that mainly depends on speed more than strength (even though he has loads of it). His hair has lighted into the white color of snow because of his unique ability to clense his mind of pshyic influence. The horns on his head start just above the temple. They are angled back giving the impression that they are constantly bombarded with wind. They are about head length and moderate thickness.

Symbol: Cobalt

Blood Color: Cerulean (spelled correctly)

Power: psychic powers are ineffective against Ursice.(ALL Circumstances) This comes from the fact that he has high stamina in the harshest of conditions.

Lusus: PolarbearDad found Ursice abandoned as a grub. He took pity on the youngling and decided to take care of him. He taught Ursice how to hunt, climb mounatains, and survive in the worst of conditions.

Hive: A large ice mansion in the middle of Alternia’s North Pole. Built by Ursice himself.

Strife Specibus: icicle kind (anything related to ice=wep)

Fetch Modus: avalanche (don’t pile things in this type of modus! XD)

Trolltag: chivalrouslyIced

Typing Quirk: ◘He is cold and not very ice when first approached but is chill when talcing to close friends. Has a bit of a problem with his brocen ceyboard macing all his “K”s replaced with “C”s◘

Title: Prince of Breath

Land: The land of heights and gales

Consorts: penguins? Huh well that’s weird

Other (Optional, just for the fun of it!):

Ancestor: The Wanderer (the famous troll that mapped out all of Alternia and discovered its poles via pirate ship. Ursice knows of her through the countless log books he found frozen in a glacier in an old ship. He now knows that her true goal was to search the planet for mystic items that were specialized for certain trolls. The Wanderer was killed by the Assassin and the Marksmen after they were ordered by the Contessa to find and kill her for one of the mystic items. Reportably matesprits with the Assassin.)

Any relations with others characters?: (ive been loathing trying to update all dis stuff… where to start…>_<) Ursice is mainly contempt with the friends he has made. Not many have made much of an impression on him though. He enjoys working and chatting with Aenias while a certain robotic arm is repaired. Ursice finally understands that Callay has had a flush chrush on him and has proceeded to ignore it (or at least try) since he’s quite embarrased that he did not realize such a emotion was being held. Why miss such an obvious feeling? He was too busy having a flush chrush of some sort on Yseisa. He hasn’t said anything yet considering all the mixed signals he has been getting, especially with the return of Ierioz. (no, im not making anymore BS excuses, he’s just god damn shy and isnt quite sure of any emotion reguarding anyone considering living by himself for most of his life)

Quadrants: Nothing official, Flush crush on Yseisa

Personality Assessment Questions!

1. Confronted with their greatest fear, how would your character react? What is their greatest fear?

Ursice’s greatest fear would be the loss of instinct. His Lusus, PolarbearDad, constantly tells him to use his gut feeling to make choices. When confronted with this, Ursice would hesitate and attempt to adapt to whatever was occurring. Well thats what he tells people, but really he might go insane…

2. How does your character approach a stranger that looks about their age in the distance?

What strangers? There is no one located anywhere near Ursice’s location. But if one happened to wonder off into his domain, then he would rush to the troll and observe coldly to decide the intentions and emotions of said person (if they werent dead). He can be lonely you know.

3. What’s the first thing that your character notices about other people?

He would notice their gear, checking to see how prepared they are and what they might be up to.

4. If your character could describe his or herself in three words, what would they be?

Cold, individualistic, adventurous,

5. Why did your character pick up the hobbies that they did?

Ursice learned to survive through his hobbies. Hunting, building, gathering, EXPLORING in general really. He doesn’t talk about it but his building skills are fantastic.