Name: Ierioz Sehtix

Appearance: Ierioz has short hair and long, thin, slightly curved horns that are approx. 1 ft long. Having his bow always at hand, he’s ready to take on what ever comes in his way. He wears long sleeve shirts over the plain colored ones underneath with his symbol. As for his bottoms, he usually wears shorts or crop pants. Sneakers are a must for him. Because of his love and training in archery, his right thumb, index, and middle finger are wrapped in thin gauze that’s wrapped up in tape. And tube socks are his favorites.

Extremely principled, always want to be fair, objective, and ethical: truth and justice primary values. Sense of responsibility, personal integrity, and of having a higher purpose often make them teachers and witnesses to the truth.(Haha from the test)

* Bow is now the one Requii gave him in Derse. It’s very shocking.

* Bow was his Ancestors! hooray. Due to severe training, his left arm is now a bit darker. and he has a cut on his lip on the left because of Requii

Symbol: Gold litharge

Blood Color: Yellow (161-161-0)

Power: Psiionic powersssss

Lusus: Owldad <(Now deceased)

Hive: Lives in a complex like Sollux’s but fully suited to his needs. Ample space for his target practice, with targets every where around his room as well as a master computer and a rather comfy chair. Everything is in order as it should be except for the piles of alternian books scattered neatly around his recooperacoon.

Strife Specibus: Bowkind

Fetch Modus: Quiver Modus

Trolltag: meticulousArcher

Typing Quirk: doesnt find use in adding apostrophes and finishes his sentences with “/”rarely uses exclamation and interrogation marks/

Title: Heir of Space

Land: of Sap and Frogs

Consorts: Raccoons & Yellow butterflies for godtier

Denizen: Chrysomallus, A flying, talking, golden-fleeced ram. (

Dream Planet: Derse

Ancestor: The Marksman; right hand man/body guard to the Empress.

Relations with other characteres/Quadrants: (edited)

Ursice: <> yet things are starting to get a bit shaky? Ierioz still cares about him though.

Yseisa: <3 requited?

Aldora: loyal to his Empress, and finds her fins entertaining.

Callay: enjoys talking to her yet thinks they should do more things together.

Solilo: Curious as to where she has been all this time.

Requii: <3< , requited and all. Celebrated their 1 month (anniversary thing) with very helpful presents.

Mirena: A little too friendly.. Getting heated <3’s emotions from her but…

Aenias: Seeing the fight between him and Yseisa, He’s very reluctant to make conversation with the small troll, yet believes that there’s something else with him that he’s hiding.. dunno, Ierioz feels bad juju with him.

Niaana: Little sister basically. She may be annoying as shit, but he still cares about her.

Sersei: Hasn’t interacted with him as much.

Riecif: Good hunting companion

Bajala: Hasn’t interacted with her as much.

1. Confronted with their greatest fear, how would your character react? What is their greatest fear?

His greatest fear is to lost the ones he holds dear because in his mind he cannot function without them. He needs them to assure himself that he’s, well, loved. He would most likely throw a fit and start raeg quitting all over the place.

2. How does your character approach a stranger that looks about their age in the distance?

He would first study the person from afar and then go and talk to them. (He’s shy daw_

3. What’s the first thing that your character notices about other people?

Their behavior.

4. If your character could describe his or herself in three words, what would they be?

Ierioz: meticulous/ studious/ and moral/

5. Why did your character pick up the hobbies that they did?

In comes Owldad with his wise wiseness and intense teacher-ness. He also gave Ierioz the love of the hunt as he protected him when he was a wee grub. Ierioz also enjoys puzzles because of his love for solving things.