Name: Aldora Mentis

Appearance: Aldora has a curl going down the middle of her forehead and her black hair reaches upto her hips, the end of her hair curling up. She has a black shirt that’s a turtleneck on the top but sleeveless and has a triangle cut shaped on the bottom of the shirt. Her skirt is different shades of purple with a golden belt. Her shoes are a pale purple and a thistle color. Her gloves are like see through sleeves but in a pale purple color. (I really don’t know how to describe them unless I draw it out. xD) She has two gold hair clips she found from exploring around.

Symbol: Upside down triangle

Blood Color: Tyrian Purple

Power: N/a

Lusus: NarwhalMom. She taught Aldora everything: from swimming to defense to communicating with other trolls. Now deceased.

Gl’bgolyb is her new lusus.

Hive: A glass castle ( No you can’t break it that easily >.>;;; )

Strife Specibus: Dagger

Fetch Modus: Colors (Depending on the next color of the color order is the next item you get. It’s rather annoying sometimes.

Trolltag: amiableMediator

Typing Quirk: ~~* Sh3 typ3s l1k3 th1s. Sh3 m4y us3 f1shy puns s0 b3 4w4r3.

Title: Maid of Hope

Land: The land of Glass and Sand

Consorts: Dolphins

Other (Optional, just for the fun of it!):

Ancestor: Her Imperious Condescension

Any relations with others characters?:

Aenias: They used to be close; almost moirails but they drifted apart. They still talk every now and then however.

Riecef: She finds him adorable and is sort of in allegiance with him along with Ieroiz. Though she is afraid he knows something about her and Requii.

Ierioz: She and Ieroiz are very close; especially since he is in allegiance with her. She thinks of him as a good friend but thinks he needs to figure out his quadrants more clearly.

Requii: She is angry at him for attempting to kill her and murdered him in self-defense. Is avoiding him at all costs to not get killed.

Yseisa: They were good friends at the beginning but in defending Mirena, they instantly grew apart. She doesn’t hate her but she doesn’t accept her views of the hemospectrum.

Mirena: Moirails for life! Although Mirena has trouble with some of the group members, Aldora is still there for her and wants to protect her at all costs, though she also wants her to resolve through her quadrant issues.

Solilo: She hates her, especially during one of the fights. She thinks Solilo thinks of herself better than everyone else and doesn’t trust her. Possible blackrom?

Niaana: Knows her through CN and they had a good time together, though she suspects she knows her secret as well.

Ursice: She doesn’t talk to him a lot. She would rather not get involved with him right now.

Callay: They are currently matesprits, although their relationship is shaky. Nonetheless, she pities her and would do anything to see her happy.

Bajala: Has yet to meet her.

Sersei: Has yet to meet him.

Personality Assessment Questions!

1. Confronted with their greatest fear, how would your character react? What is their greatest fear?

Aldora’s greatest fear is betrayal. She was always told to trust those who you are closest to but she is afraid that someday they would betray her.

2. How does your character approach a stranger that looks about their age in the distance?

She would greet them kindly and get to know them, but she would also study their behavior to make sure they weren’t planning anything fishy. (Ahahaha fish pun. You sea what I did there? Haha I crack myself up…) That doesn’t mean she doesn’t like meeting new people though!

3. What’s the first thing that your character notices about other people?

She would notice the way they are acting. If they are fidgety or still or moving around, that kind of thing.

4. If your character could describe his or herself in three words, what would they be?

Kind, Protective, Day Dreamer

5. Why did your character pick up the hobbies that they did?

Aldora learned her hobbies (Hunting, Self-Defense,Studying people’s different behaviors) from her lusus. It was in case Narhwhal mom ever passed away, she wanted to have taught Aldora everything she needed to survive on her own.