Name: Riecif Brefur

Appearance: He’s a little shorter than average for a troll his age, but he’s determined that he will catch up. His horns are long and straight, for the most part, with a tiny curled end, like a spiraled tail. He has wild stringy long hair that he refuses to cut, and dresses very simply, black shirt with his symbol and a gray pants. He’s also a bit skinnier than the average troll, lithe and light from all the tree-climbing and jungle trekking he’s done his entire life. After his exploits, he’s usually very grimy, but it doesn’t bother him much. His teeth are pointed, but not very long(except for the trademark 2 fangs trolls generally have).

Symbol: Chamaeleon

Blood Color: Brown

Power: Slight psychic abilities, mostly uses them to communicate with Alternian fauna he runs into on his treks. His abilities also helps with his white magic.

Lusus: Geckoid. A lizard-creature around the size of a large dog that taught Riecif how to survive in the jungle they reside near. Geckoid taught Riecif how to climb trees and escape predators. Time with Geckoid is limited, he often leaves Riecif alone for long periods of time while he goes off and lives in the jungle.

Hive: A very small hive in the Alternian Tropics, near the jungle where Riecif spends most of his time.

Strife Specibus: Hatchetkind

Fetch Modus: Spiraltome

Trolltag: scaledConquest

Typing Quirk: –hee plaaces eextraa ee’s and aa’s in his words aand puts two daashees aat the front aand thee eend of his meesaagees. hee usees propeer punctuaation, but no caapitilizaation.–

Title: Sage of Life

Land: Land of Scrolls and Lore

Consorts: Small red lizards. His totem creatures(god tier consorts) are pale yellow dragonflies.

Denizen: Cychreus

Dream Planet: Prospit

Other: He practices White Magic and loves to explore uncharted lands.

Ancestor: The Victoran, who was a conquistador in Ancient Alternia. Despite his lower blood caste placement, he managed to become one of Alternia’s most famous and revered explorers and indeginous beast-slayers.

Any relations with others characters?: ((Edited))

Aenias: Riecif is a bit wary around him, especially considering the events that went down that caused him to get his eye ripped out.

Ierioz: They’re bros. Good hunting companions!

Requii: Thinks he’s a bit rude and overreacting. Recently found out he was desceased, and now is trying to find information about what exactly happened.

Yseisa: Prefers not to get involved with her. Senses that she’s nothing but trouble.

Mirena: Has flushed feelings for her. He know’s it’s unrequited but yet he still continues to pursue her.

Niaana: Really tight friends! Loves her like a sister.

Solilo: Hasn’t met her yet.

Ursice: Thinks he’s a rather mysterious guy, but not in a bad way.

Callay: Thinks she’s quite pleasant!

Bajala: Has only met her once in person, and is a bit intimidated by her, although he doesn’t show it.

Sersei: He actually really enjoys Sersei! He’s actually been dying to get his hands on home of his fanfictions. Shhh.

Aldora: Although he has suspicions of her killing Requii in the beginning, he soon decided that she was a nice enough troll and even if she did kill him, she must have had a reason. He has a friendly relationship with her and they’re good hunting buddies as well.


<3 for Mirena. But I’d say it’s unrequited.

<>- ??

<3<- ??

c3<- ??

——-Personality Assessment Questions!

1. Confronted with their greatest fear, how would your character react? What is their greatest fear?

Riecif’s greatest fear is most likely being ambushed by an enemy without a weapon on hand. If faced with the situation, Riecif would try to fight his way out as well as possible with pure trollpower, but if that failed(and it might, since Riecif isn’t that muscly or strong,) he would have to resort to black magic.

2. How does your character approach a stranger that looks about their age in the distance?

He approaches with caution, if he chooses to approach at all. Once he’s determined on making contact and conversation, he will do so carefully, choosing his words selectively.

–Extra Note–

When conversing with his friends, he can be a bit sarcastic, and uses vulgar language. He is hardly angry, though, unless he has a well reason to be.

3. What’s the first thing that your character notices about other people?

Their stature. He looks at the way they hold themselves and how they carry on a conversation.

4. If your character could describe his or herself in three words, what would they be?

Logical, Daring, Secretive.

5. Why did your character pick up the hobbies that they did?

Riecif picked up his love for trekking in the jungle when his lusus taught him to survive in the unforgiving land. He started to explore new places in the jungle soon after that. His love for puzzle-solving was picked up when he scrolled across an ancient crypt one day that was locked.