Name: Niaana Mayani

Appearance: She has a cute afro with long horns curved at the end. The way they are curved helps cuts through air when she runs, creating less tension and allowing her to be extremely fast. She wears an orange and red ribbon tied in her hair, black shorts and a brownish-red holter top that she has to tie around her neck and back. She wears a green chest binder under her top. She dosen’t belive in socks or shoes so she goes barefoot but, at times she wears straped sandals. She’ll paint her cheeks whith her symbol or her left arm when she doesn’t wear it on her clothes.

Symbol: Two circles put together like the infinty symbol, but one circle is completly solid.

Blood Color: Teal

Power: Ability to traverse an area completely undetected, like a ninja. Has acute senses.

Lusus: A beared dragon lizard, who trained Niaana since birth. It is strangely not afraid of water. She defies all that things logical. Motto: Fear nothing and live life as if’s your last day alive!

Hive: She lives in a gaint tree seating on top of an underground tunnel chain. These tunnels also connect to the tree, stretching throughout the inside of it. The tunnels are described as one big secret base, or a confused maze. She may live in the wild but she’s not to far from civilization, she has everything a basic teenager has: a kitchen, bedroom, computer, bathroom, a game/livingroom, a dungeon– I mean, a walk in closet (yeah a walk in closet filled with many blades right next to a torture room) heehee.

Strife Specibus: Two (2) one-colored machetes, black and red

Fetch Modus: Scale modus

Trolltag: chameleonnNinja

Typing Quirk: Since she was raised by a reptile she, extends the S’s in words as if she was hissing. It’s sometimes easy to tell her moods based of the *animal rp nosie* she may add along with her scentences.

*purrs* I sssee nothing wrong with that!

Title: Sylph of Shade

Land: Land of Fog and Trees

Consorts: Lizards

Denizen: Stheno (the oldest of the Gorgons sisters)

Dream Planet: Derse

Other (Optional, just for the fun of it!): She is a bit of an odd little troll. She prefers everything to be at balance and calm with an even amount of chaos, so she’s adaptable amongst most personalities. She’ll always pray after a kill and take a piece from her prey in remembrance. She can get sensitive so she tends to hide her emotions behind a pokerface to stay cool. Her senses tend to get stronger around shadows so she feels comfortable in dark places where she tends to think. She care less about the hemospectrum; to her its about who survives and and who has how much power and control. When things are too choatic amongst peers, she tends to calm the situation and if not, avoid it since it will effect her as well.

Ancestor: Merciful Gatherer

Just like her name implies, she worked as a mercenary of sorts. Her job is to apprehend wild trolls and gather information from enemies or revolutionaries. The merciful part is just a silly nickname that the higher bloods gave her for her capturing methods, unlike other trolls leaving their vivtoms blody or damage, there is no pain once she confronts her victims; they’re just left with a numb feeling.

Any relationshipswith others?

Aenias: Met him once on trollian, but believes they met before. She gets mysterious vibes that she can’t fully comprehend but is curious learn more about him

Ierioz: No questions asked, claimed him as her ‘big bro’ and love to mess with him

Requii: Thinks he’s a bit too dramatic and prefers keep a respectable distance. Found out he was deceased, and feels bad but still like to keep a nice distance as acquaintance, is curious about his death

Yseisa: Hasn’t meet her yet and wants to just get the crap between her Ieroiz and Mirena dealt with

Mirena: Good friends, even ‘sisters’, you could say but, is annoyed for her unrequited flushcrush for Ieroiz

Solilo: N/A

Ursice: First meeting didn’t go too well and hasn’t seen him since the first encounter. Thinks he’s a prick for messing up her first encounter with another troll

Callay: Thinks she’s a nice, smart gal only met through trollian

Bajala:<> Has only met her once in a strange interview and immediately pitied her.

Riecif: Thinks of him as another bro but smaller

Sersei:<3 When first encountered, thought he was shy and cute, second a little awkward feels jam and BOOM sloppy make outs

Aldora: Met her and doesn’t know how to determine where they stand but it’s on friendly grounds at least. Is concerned about the murder issue with Requii.


1. Confronted with their greatest fear, how would your character react? What is their greatest fear?

Seeing those close to her harmed because she didn’t have her emotions in check. She is very protective, she treats her comrades like a pack/family and not being able to keep her cool for others is a big weakness. She would go bat crazy/emotionless/insane if anyone got hurt.

2. How does your character approach a stranger that looks about their age in the distance?

From afar she’ll study you, then test you by attacking you to see how strong you are. If she hurts you, she’ll feel bad and apologize and treat your wounds, unless you’re a douche and she’ll just leave you there bleeding. Character is always important in her book.

3. What’s the first thing that your character notices about other people?

The sound of their voice. She loves sounds.

4. If your character could describe his or herself in three words, what would they be?

quiet, fiesty, and love-able

5. Why did your character pick up the hobbies that they did?

Well she was trained by a huge lizard in the wild so she tends to be less civilized around unwanted company. She loves to sun (moon) tan with her luaus and hunt for prey. Since she’s from the wild she’ll make bizarre jungle calls and bring in other creatures from the forest to cause anarchy in the neighboring towns for fun. No killing or property damage just random hoof beast sitting in your front lawn. She mostly quiet and lurks in the shadows but can be clingy so she be attached to your arm or back, if you are taller than her. Idk it’s a lizard thing to crawl up on tall things.