Name: Pasith Stamat


Denizen: Odyne ( Greek Goddess of Pain )


Dreamer: Derse


Title: Bard of Blood


Land: Land of Beats and Radiation (If we change planets, then Land of Pressure and Lakes)


Consorts: Sirens(snakey amphibian-y things) and Luna Moths for god tier.


Appearance: A lot like Requii, his hair is longer, and he’s a bit more grown, but not much else in terms of change. He wears a tight jacket like this:–2205-p.jpg

Instead of white, there’s lime, and his symbol is large down his zipper. He wears plain black pants and wears a few dark red accessories, most noticeably a red friendship bracelet.


Symbol: A Quarter Rest


Blood Color: Lime (Harlyquin Green R: 141 G: 180 B: 10, a little darker than Requii)



He has the ability to change appearances of objects and other trolls. Can be done very well, but he can’t make the object move, so making a rock look like a troll is fine, but it can’t move anywhere. He also has weak scrying abilities (being able to track, find, and see a person just by thinking of them). Both powers are pretty temperamental and don’t always work the way Pasith wants them to.


Lusus: Flytrapmom

Taught the importance of patience and always having a supporting plan just in case plan A goes wrong. Flytrap mom is a giant animate Venus flytrap. She taught Pasith to use his ability and to master it… well mostly…


Hive: An underground hive in the South Pole, he has few neighbors but he does share his area with a nearby small town populated with mostly lime bloods, but also some green and yellow. On the coast near him there is a seadweller city that serves as a sort of news and economic center for the Antarctic.


Strife Specibus: Fist-Kind and Glove-Kind, Later acquires  Blade-Kind


~Alternian Studded Boxing Mitts


Fetch Modus: Pitch-Kind- Singing a certain pitch releases an item stored under that pitch (Only as spacious as the user’s vocal range).


Trolltag: gaiaUprising


Typing Quirk: ~~o You h@ve @ uniique w@y of spe@kiing, but you feel iit @dds @ biit of color to your words.


Ancestor: Requii Stamat

The Narrator

He was a powerful member of the limeblood class who would travel Beforus sharing the stories of others, painting a mental picture and showing the story itself with his powerful illusions. He would later be used as a messenger and liaison for the crown, keeping possible rebels from even finding him or his traveling companions. He would later grow weary and escape his life of a bard. He was rumored to be a threat to the crown, but you never believe rumors, so why start now?



Relations with others characters:


Personality Assessment Questions!


1. Confronted with their greatest fear, how would your character react? What is their greatest fear?

Being entirely alone without any means of communicating with anyone. Pasith has always had company, whether his friends or flytrapmom, being alone for extended periods of time, especially in darkness could lead to madness and emotional collapse.


2. How does your character approach a stranger that looks about their age in the distance?

With enthusiasm and a smile, he doesn’t want to give off a bad impression.


3. What’s the first thing that your character notices about other people?

Speech patterns, so he can tell when they lie or when they have a weird tone.


4. If your character could describe his or herself in three words, what would they be? 

Extroverted, clingy, annoying


5. Why did your character pick up the hobbies that they did?

Pasith has taken a liking to singing mostly due to his odd modus. Flytrap-mom fetched the modus for him on his 6th Wriggling Day and since then Pasith has tried to expand his range in order to better utilize it. In expanding his range, Pasith began using it constructively and became the singer he is today. Pasith has also taken a liking to reading and has read the works of several famous troll authors.