Archives for category: Announcements

If you write small drabbles about the rp, please submit them so everyone can see them!

While RPing, keep everything (actions, thoughts, emotions, secret messages, ect.) in the actual memo that we RP on. Nothing is to be excluded or messaged privately. Addressing secret messages, you may write them in brackets [], or some other symbol if you are concerned with keeping it a secret, although while RPing, it should be made clear that what is being said/communicated is to be made secret. It is your job as a roleplayer to assess the situation and understand that your character is not able to infer what is being said.

Mutant blood is not an available status/color. We may take into consideration character applications that may only be approved by consultation of the admins.

During the RP, please mind your spelling and grammar. It makes memos much easier to edit and the story flow better as we RP.

We will no longer be accepting Derse dreamers. In order to balance the ratio from Prospit to Derse dreamers, we need more Prospit dreamers.

We’re making tumblrs for our characters~ Make your url the same as your Chumhandle. If it’s already taken (which I doubt, put a hyphen (-) in between the two words of your url and that should do it. If not, feel free to ask me about it. Read the rest of this entry »

Guys I just saved the url pursuingpuppeteer on tumblr! I was thinking about making it an IC (in charactrer) diary blog since I think that it’s kinda unfair that Yseisa wants a lot of things from a lot of people but doesn’t tell them and expects them to know…

ANYWAY I just thought it would be a cool thing if everyone were to do that, it could help with character development and all. I think the trolls could all follow this blog too, it’s filled with a lot of headcanons:!

So I’m thinking of changing PP’s symbol from a fake made up one to a legitimate one called Antimony. I know that’s the element I want to use but it has a few alchemy symbols and I don’t know which to choose. Anyway, I chose this symbol for these reasons: Read the rest of this entry »

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