Archives for posts with tag: rp

There were bloodstains on your hands.

No matter what there would always be bloodstains on your hands. It was something that no amount of scrubbing could get rid of. Read the rest of this entry »

You heave another sigh. Seems as though you’ve been doing a lot of sighing lately. Before hopping into your recuperacoon, you pick up the crane from where you threw it and put it back on your shelf. You still haven’t read that paper. Something nags at you every time you get the itching to take a peek. Something that tells you that you should absolutely not read that paper at all costs. You decide not to read the paper. Read the rest of this entry »

The night is cold and dark. The frigid wind whistles through the trees, stirring scattered leaves along the ground, creating an eerily serene atmosphere. A path winds its way down, beginning where you stand at a hive, smelling strongly of smoke. Apart from the leaves, everything is still, which is how most trolls probably would have described tonight.

But not you.

You would describe tonight as very, very messy. Read the rest of this entry »

If you write small drabbles about the rp, please submit them so everyone can see them!

“What?! C’mon, Rhenya, who even does that?! With a rustblood?!” You protest. Your friend is being slightly irrational; thankfully, she has a good friend like you to try to knock some sense into her thinkpan.

Your moirail has called you over to her hive to discuss some “important matters” with her, causing you to rush over impatiently. Although, this news really feels as though someone slapped you in the face with some sort of dead fish. This is ridiculous. Read the rest of this entry »

Memos will be opened on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7pm during the school year. This includes weekends, though they can be opened at whatever time.

 Whenever you send me a memo: Include the date it OCCURED. It helps so much with organization k thanks

You may not have a canon rp unless an admin is there, it shall not be counted as canon. Really if it isn’t recorded, it’s like it didn’t happen. UNLESS, if someone wants to rp canonly without an admin being there, someone must be CONSISTANTLY PRESENT THROUGOUT THE WHOLE CANON RP and then IMMEDIATELY send it to me/krystal/justin through email after. It is important that we keep the memos organized and the story general knowledge. How can we all rp if things happen and we don’t know about it? So yeah, do what I just said and have a nice day. Things’ll be more consistent in the summer, I promise.

Name: Niaana Mayani

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