Archives for posts with tag: rp characters

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Name: Ambros Voltch

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Name: Niaana Mayani

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We’re making tumblrs for our characters~ Make your url the same as your Chumhandle. If it’s already taken (which I doubt, put a hyphen (-) in between the two words of your url and that should do it. If not, feel free to ask me about it. Read the rest of this entry »

So I’m thinking of changing PP’s symbol from a fake made up one to a legitimate one called Antimony. I know that’s the element I want to use but it has a few alchemy symbols and I don’t know which to choose. Anyway, I chose this symbol for these reasons: Read the rest of this entry »

Name: Aldora Mentis

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Name: Sersei Vingot

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Name: Ursice Boreas

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Name: Requii Stamat

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Name: Ierioz Sehtix

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