Archives for posts with tag: rp

We’re making tumblrs for our characters~ Make your url the same as your Chumhandle. If it’s already taken (which I doubt, put a hyphen (-) in between the two words of your url and that should do it. If not, feel free to ask me about it. Read the rest of this entry »

Guys I just saved the url pursuingpuppeteer on tumblr! I was thinking about making it an IC (in charactrer) diary blog since I think that it’s kinda unfair that Yseisa wants a lot of things from a lot of people but doesn’t tell them and expects them to know…

ANYWAY I just thought it would be a cool thing if everyone were to do that, it could help with character development and all. I think the trolls could all follow this blog too, it’s filled with a lot of headcanons:!