So far, most of the trolls have gotten to know each other, by personality or otherwise. A lot of the trolls have found logs and other artifacts left from their ancestors. Ursice, all alone on his north pole, is currently recovering pages from his ancestor’s logs. So far they reveal some kind of markings over certain areas on a map that correspond with the artifacts found. The artifacts mentioned are a fire spear, owned to Yseisa who said she found it along with her ancestor’s log book after she defeated some kind of volcano monster lurking in one of her volcanoes in her Land of Mountains and Prey. It’s counterpart is another spear, although an ice spear, owned to Ursice. He is also in possession of a tablet that seems to match Requii’s who found his in a cave guarded by some kind of high blooded monster. They are both unsure of what they mean, or what they say on them because they both seem to have some kind of foreign language inscribed on them.

As far as relationships go, it seems as though there has been some tension between Ursice and Yseisa (causing people to have their shipping walls ready at the drop of a pin), although the causes remain unclear. In recent conversations, Yseisa has been picking scraps with Ursice for apparently no reason, and in explicitly burning Ursice at times while he’s definitely shot her down as well. Yseisa and Ursice seem to be natural counterparts, seeing as she seems to represent fire and he, ice, which could explain some of their bickering.


As of now, Yseisa has finally spit out that she hates Ursice because, the close group of Ieroiz, Yseisa, Callay, and Ursice are finally able to meet because of the teleporters that Ursice and Yseisa had. Although, this was not such a pleasant meeting… Yseisa anticipated her meeting Ieroiz in hopes of hunting and having general fun when Ursice accidentally fell into his teleporter and ended up at Yseisa’s. Upon seeing him, Yseisa attacks him and they end up accidentally teleporting back to his place while still fighting. Yseisa is able to return home while leaving Ursice a pleasant scratch to remember her by. By the time she gets back home, she wants to hang out with Ieroiz already but it seemed as though Ursice accidentally left his ancestor’s log behind by accident. Snatching it away, Yseisa headed to her volcano to cause more mischief. Ursice comes back to retrieve it and with the help of Ieroiz and Callay, are able to freeze the volcano with his ice spear and get it back (although she promised that she would give it back to him if he apologized to her). Ieroiz has to hold her back while Ursice goes back home, becoming their auspice (and perhaps her secret flush?). When Ierioz goes home, he can’t find his lusus. While he was gone, Owldad had been killed by the musclebeasts in the valley while looking for him.


Requii and Solilo share a little about their respective ancestors. Requii has found old video logs that the Great Deceiver had left behind for him, and Solilo is attempting to open the impermeable prism-like coffin of the Contessa Prismina, who has some sort of mysterious, silver object up her sleeves. Requii’s ancestor’s video logs seem to involve a lot of the other Trolls’ ancestors, and the Great Deceiver may had taken advantage of the Diplomat to get to the Condesce. Whether this has to do with the suspicion that the Contessa was the “Beloved Matezprit” in the Callay’s ancestor’s letters is unknown.

Also during the course of the memo, Requii and his lusus battled an unknown woman of all-black. Only Requii survived the strife.

While in Yseisa’s land and hive, Aldora and Ieroiz meet for the first time! He was so enraptured by her presence that for a while, he couldn’t say anything and became flustered, causing Yseisa to feel immensely irritated. Aldora believes Yseisa to be her friend, and Yseisa just has to agree. Ursice and Callay start to spark something while stargazing, although Ursice remains clueless, as per usual. Yseisa makes up with Ieroiz for throwing a bit of a tantrum out of ‘irritation’ and she fights again with Ursice on his way home, leaving him a new mark across his nose. When he arrives at his hive, he finds his lusus dead…


Marinna, Aldora and Callay are still at Yseisa’s hive. Solilo reports back that Batmom’s screech triggered the Contessa’s coffin to open, and that up her ancestor’s sleeves was a pair of silver clockhands with another strange symbol. Requii and eventually Solilo are also teleported to Yseisa’s hive and shenanigans ensue. Requii and Aldora somehow find sopor slime pies, and just one taste sends them on a high from which neither gets down until they each vomit. Also, Requii begins demonstrating his powers of illusion, either on Ierioz or on everyone by grabbing Ierioz. The psionic tires of this quickly and the two inevitably duel. Solilo then demonstrates her power by tasting Requii’s blood and then manipulating him to submission, effectively ending the conflict for now.

During the fight, Aldora and snapped at the hostility and stormed off, during the search for her, Requii was entrapped by some sort of strange illusion and faints once everyone has met up. He and Solilo are teleported to their respective hives before Ursice responds to the memo. After some prodding, he reports that he found his lusus dead. He and Yseisa argue over it because Yseisa brings up how he had not shown respect for Polarbeardad and Ursice accuses her and her lusus for being responsible for the death. Aldora then gets a bad feeling and asks to go home. She finds Narwahl mom murdered. She is teleported back to Yseisa’s hive and is consoled by Callay.

During this consolation, Ursice also arrives unexpectedly and storms to Yseisa and Ierioz’s conversation, in which Ierioz was trying to get Yseisa to be a little more considerate of Ursice’s situation (and perhaps was trying to tell her something else? wink wink). In fact, when Ursice snaps and chases her down, she pins him down in a frenzy and actually apologizes. The two share an unexpectedly, almost tender moment where the Ursice and Yseisa both confess that they are sorry about some other things but would never admit otherwise! After leaving a confusing kiss on Ursice’s scar on his cheek, she ascends back to her hive.

Yseisa comes back and rushes to her room and past Ieroiz (who left after uncomfortably witnessing some of the deal between Yseisa and Ursice) without looking at him to hide. He follows her and, inspired, kisses her as well, adding more to her confusion and rendering her personality sedated at the moment. At the end of the night, Callay goes home, fearing the worst for her lusus. It turns out Sheepmom is still alive, and Callay returns to her astronomy room. Finally getting a good look at the skies again, she sees that the tiny meteroids assailing Alternia have augmented in size. One crashes into Ursice’s hive without destroying it completely, and he absconds to Yseisa’s.