Name: (Six letters for first name, six letters for last. Let’s please stick to canon. :>)

Appearance: ((Don’t forget to mention what the horns look like! For trolls, remember that it’s canon that they aren’t very inclined to dressing in anything other than black with the exception of their symbol. Unless they’re fashion oriented or have a very interest related reason why they would break social norms and dress outside of black and gray tones, please limit your wild colors to practical accessories like red shades.))

((Additionally, don’t forget that this is where you put their physical attributes as well! Are they lanky? Are they short? Do they have a ridiculously huge afro? Do they wear absurd dental contraptions? Are they messy, well-groomed, foppish?  All the big and little details that build up into an image of your character should go here!))

Symbol: (This might help:

Blood Color: (Be reasonable! No absurd colors like neon pinks or fluorescent greens.)

Power: (Red to Blue of the Hemospectrum gets Psiionic abilities, but anything higher has the option of additional strength augments due to their blood color)

Lusus: ((What sort of skills did the lusus teach to your character? How did it influence their personality and habits?))

Hive: ((directly dependent on Blood Color.))

Strife Specibus:

Fetch Modus:


Typing Quirk:

Title: ((your role in the game, usually focuses on an area your character must grow in.  A quiz was posted earlier if you’re stumped))

Land: ((relates somewhate to your Title))

Consorts: ((you probably don’t have to choose something canonical. I believe any sort of harmless reptile or amphibian, excluding frogs, should do.))

Denizen: ((if you have a canonical aspect, your denizen should match that character’s, if known. Otherwise it should be some Greek deity or higher creature.))

Dream Planet: ((Prospit or Derse? We’ll balance ‘em later.))

Other (Optional, just for the fun of it!):


Any relations with others characters?:


Personality Assessment Questions!

1. Confronted with their greatest fear, how would your character react? What is their greatest fear?

2. How does your character approach a stranger that looks about their age in the distance?

3. What’s the first thing that your character notices about other people?

4. If your character could describe his or herself in three words, what would they be?

((They don’t have to be truthful or accurate– For instance, if there was a theoretical fantroll named Ansrew Hassie and he described himself as “Glamorous, Popular, and Sexyfine”, what it really reveals about his character is that he is conceited, thinks too highly of himself, and is very vain.))

5. Why did your character pick up the hobbies that they did?